JACOB NETTIKKADAN, a philologist and an inventor of nine GLOBAL-LEVEL inventions, living in Kaloor, KOCHI- 682017, INDIA wants to make a Global Programme. His ninth invention is to make a NEW WORLD where all people from all the countries will speak ONE LANGUAGE. The total turnover of the whole project is Indian Rs.EIGHT LAKH CRORES. Result ? (a) Everybody can travel to all countries without any INTERPRETORS, to do business and other activities; (b) Business growth, development and prosperity of all people will INCREASE 10,000 TIMES MORE than at present; ( c) Everybody’s income will soar high; (d) There will be no UNEMPLOYMENT anywhere. In short, we will have a NEW WORLD.
We expect our Global Partners to take full responsibility of organizing and managing in each and every vernacular a new book, translated just like “Jacobs New English”, so that all the people of that language can learn and speak English, by learning to produce the 15 types of English sentences without outside help. They will have to pay our royalty before that. When this is done in all the languages of the world, the whole world will start speaking English. That will make a NEW WORLD with ONE LANGUAGE. Thus we will have a totally NEW WORLD where, progress, development and prosperity of humanity will be 10,000 TIMES MORE THAN AT PRESENT.
Kindly ring up for CEO Mr. Jacob Nettikkadan for more details. Ph.91- 7025268532.
Your payment of Rs.999.00 through this GOOGLE PAY ACCOUNT no 91 7025268532 will be credited against your name in J. N. BEST ENGLISH TEACHERS instantly, to make you the builder of a NEW WORLD, where all the people will speak ONE LANGUAGE (i.e. English) through out the world. Then we will send you our Malayalam medium book “ Jacobs New English “ through D.T.D.C. COURIOR SERVICE for free delivery to you in Kerala. Those who are ready to collect the “Jacobs New English” book from D.T.D.C. COURIOR SERVICE , at their own expense, may also send us Rs.999.00 for the same purpose. Those who want our “JACOBS NEW ENGLISH” book from other areas than Kerala, will have to ask for and pay extra charge over Rs.999.00 as applicable.
Our research for the last 60 years has developed the technology TO MAKE ALL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD to learn and speak English very easily and quickly, exactly as they learned their own mother tongue, before going to school or learning any letter from any language. Our JACOBS NEW ENGLISH book in Malayalam medium with only 15 lessons, to be learned in 15 days ( 15x24 hours) will meet this purpose totally. When this book is translated into each and every mother tongue in the world, all the people all over the world will speak English and the new world will have ONE LANGUAGE, to make the miracle : (increase progress, growth and prosperity of humanity 10,000 TIMES more than now.
Please send us in our mail ID mail@jacobnettikkadan.com your name, address with postal Pin code, phone No., mail ID, date of money remittance etc.
In the case of making you learn and speak English, we want to make you ‘running, jumping and FLYING HORSES’, by offering you English Speaking Contests with attractive PRICE MONEY worth Indian Rs.43,75,000 for Malayalam Language alone, in the first year, to begin after four months from now.
These English Speaking Contests with price money are to stimulate and speed up your learning interest beyond leaps and bounds i.e. into FLYING LEVEL on a holistic principle.
Suppose you have an aeroplane in your control and you run it @ 60, 70 kilo meter speed for ten days. You can never see it flying. It will run on wheels like any other vehicle. But, if you increase its speed into ten times or more, immediately it will fly !!! Concentrate on the price money and work hard to increase your speed, you will succeed. Your will make personal history!!
Learning to speak English through JACOBS NEW ENGLISH book, you will become a genius. When you become a genius, you will get the impetus to start business or other activities which ordinary people cannot undertake. Aim to make personal miracle and build up the NEW WORLD!!
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